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Hi it's Kate here,
I warmly welcome you into this space with me!  I've been in education for a smidge over 20 years now, and am heavily invested in the growth of individuals so that they feel ALIVE in their work. An ENGAGED mind truly does make for a LEARNing journey that TRANSFORMS self and others. 

My mission


My vision


My actions

I engage people with positive energy, through partnerships and being transparent, whilst utilising a brain-based approach that aligns people to their core. Recognising, designing, implementing and strategising the next steps with intentional focus and direction is imperative. I believe in providing opportunities for people to really understand themselves and others, to develop holistically, and to harness the leader within in every role.
I am an educator who believes in building the capacity of individuals and teams to learn, grow and transform, so that skills, knowledge and experiences empower and motivate. I have a strong desire to support positive human connections within a workplace, that are created, thriving and transformative by activating thinking and questioning with curiosity.
I am a facilitator who works alongside teams and whole staff to deliver professional learning aligned with strategic goals, within context, embedding neuroscience, and that is proactive, solution focused and where individuals are held accountable for decisions. Workshops are collaborative in nature with the client, and growth processes are embedded for long-term sustainability and viability which also supports a psychologically healthy environment. Coaching in partnership with individuals and teams is facilitated in a dialogical approach and in a manner that elicits intrinsic motivation and engagement. Induction, onboarding and formation of staff via school strategy whilst being considerate of inclusion, diversity and agility are supported and implemented with longevity.